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Mit dem Kombiticket erlebst du Dauer- und Sonderausstellung zum Vorteilspreis und genießt das umfassende Ausstellungserlebnis im Deutschen Fußballmuseum. Mit deinem Kombiticket kannst du beide Ausstellungen ohne Voranmeldung auch an zwei unterschiedlichen Tagen besuchen.

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Single ticket special exhibition

Special exhibition single ticket

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Single ticket special exhibition

Single ticket special exhibition for adults
Price per person: 12 euros

Special exhibition ticket reduced

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Single ticket full experience, reduced

Single ticket special exhibition discounted
Eligible for a discount are the following groups:
- Children under 14 years old
- School pupils and students under 26 years old

A corresponding valid proof must be presented. Combining multiple discount claims is not possible.

Price per person: 6 euros

Children under 14 years old must explore the museum accompanied by an adult.


Zutrittsberechtigung Projekttag Vielfalt

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[en]Projekttag Vielfalt

Zutrittsberechtigung Begleitperson

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Zutrittsberechtigung Begleitperson

[en]Projekttag Vielfalt


Zutrittsberechtigung Projekttag Vielfalt

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Zutrittsberechtigung Projekttag Vielfalt

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Zutrittsberechtigung Projekttag Gesundheit

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[en]Projekttag Gesundheit

Zutrittsberechtigung Begleitperson

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Zutrittsberechtigung Begleitperson

[en]Projekttag Gesundheit
Single ticket special exhibition



The new special exhibition at the German Football Museum in Dortmund invites visitors to relive Günter Netzer and the golden football era of the Seventies. Netzer’s artistic style of play and extravagant lifestyle captivated fans, sports journalists, and cultural figures alike, making him Germany’s first true football pop star.

In an expansive, immersive media installation covering over 1,000 square meters, visitors will experience this trendsetting football personality from a completely new perspective - set to the iconic sounds of the Seventies. Exceptional exhibits from Netzer’s career are seamlessly integrated into the show.

Complementing the experience, the photo exhibition "Günter Netzer by Masahide Tomikoshi" showcases mostly unpublished photographs from Netzer’s time at Borussia Mönchengladbach and Real Madrid.

NETZER & THE GOLDEN SEVENTIES is a tribute to an extraordinary personality in an equally extraordinary era.

Only by booking online can you secure your tickets before your visit. You can enjoy the anticipation and save waiting time at the box office.
Select your desired date and tickets in the calendar. We look forward to your booking and your visit!

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