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Day tickets

Voucher ticket

from 17,00 Euro

(pro Person, als eTicket)

Ideal for gift: no binding of date
eTicket via E-Mail

Voucher ticker, adult

Voucher ticket, reduced

Voucher ticket, family

Voucher ticket, reduced

Voucher ticket, reduced
The following groups of persons are entitled to a reduction:
- students under 26 years of age
- Children under 14 years of age
- People with disabilities from 50% GdB

A corresponding valid proof is to be carried along. It is not possible to add discounts.

The validity of vouchers is 3 years from date of purchase.

Price per person: 17 Euro as ticket incl. gift envelope

Children under the age of 14 are only allowed to explore the museum when accompanied by an adult.

Voucher ticket, family

Voucher ticket, family
Valid for 4 persons with am maximum of 2 adults.
The following groups of persons are entitled to a reduction:
- students under 26 years of age
- Children under 14 years of age
- People with disabilities from 50% GdB

A corresponding valid proof is to be carried along. It is not possible to add discounts.

The validity of vouchers is 3 years from date of purchase.

Sending the eTicket directly after booking by e-mail, paperless ticket, valid on smartphones and tablets as well as printouts

Preis per ticket: 62 Euro as eTicket

Voucher ticket

The validity of vouchers is 3 years from date of purchase.

Sending the eTicket directly after booking by e-mail, paperless ticket, valid on smartphones and tablets as well as printouts

Price per person: 20 Euro as eTicket


Group tickets

group ticket for juniorfans

13,00 Euro

(per person; at least 10 persons, max. 200 Personen)

Daybound tickets

Number of juniorfans

Guided Tour (book here)

group ticket for juniorfans

Especially for young visitors up to 18 years. Bookable from 10 teenagers.

Reduced price for each companion:
10-20 persons = 2 reduced companions;
from 21 persons = 3 reduced companions
from 31 persons = 4 reduced companions usw.
Aditional companions pay the full price and can be added to the shopping cart during the booking process ( "continue shopping").

Price per person: 13 Euro
Price per companion: 13 Euro

Up to 10 young visitors: 1 discounted companion;
from 11 young visitors: 2 discounted companions;
from 21 young visitors: 3 discounted companions;
from 31 young visitors: 4 discounted companions; etc.



Holiday program

12,00 Euro

(per person; at least 5 persons, max. 20 Personen)

School-holidays program

School-holidays program

Age group:

Ticket & Hotel

FROM 52,00 EUR

(per person)


Book your overnight stay right away





0,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Live-Podcast: Wie war das damals, Horst Hrubesch?

On 13.03.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Wie war das damals, Horst Hrubesch?


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 20.03.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 00:00 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


5,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Exklusiv-Preview Dokumentarfilm "STASI FC"

On 26.03.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Preview Stasi FC


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 03.04.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 00:00 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


75,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Eröffnung Sonderausstellung NETZER - DIE SIEBZIGERJAHRE

On 08.04.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Ausstellungseröffnung Netzer


25,00 Euro

(pro Person)

"Ich liebe Fußball"-Talk

On 05.05.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:00 o`clock

[_en]„Ich liebe Fußball“ Talk


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 15.05.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 17.06.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 00:00 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 03.07.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 00:00 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


5,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Private Viewing | Frauen-EM: Deutschland - Polen

On 04.07.2025 at 21:00 o`clock
Entry at 20:00 o`clock

[_en]Private Viewing Frauen-EM: Deutschland - Polen


5,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Private Viewing | Frauen-EM: Deutschland - Dänemark

On 08.07.2025 at 18:00 o`clock
Entry at 17:30 o`clock

[_en]Private Viewing Frauen-EM: Deutschland - Dänemark


5,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Private Viewing | Frauen-EM: Schweden - Deutschland

On 12.07.2025 at 21:00 o`clock
Entry at 20:00 o`clock

[_en]Private Viewing Frauen-EM: Schweden - Deutschland


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 04.09.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 09.10.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Lieder aus der Kurve

On 11.11.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Lieder aus der Kurve


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 20.11.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


15,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 04.12.2025 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


17,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Sold out

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 08.01.2026 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings


17,00 Euro

(pro Person)

Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

On 05.02.2026 at 19:00 o`clock
Entry at 18:30 o`clock

[_en]Das Fußballquiz mit Ben Redelings

Public guided tours

Public guided tours for everyone with a museum guide

Start times
- saturday, sunday and public holiday each 11:00 am

- 90 minutes

- 6 Euro per person additional admission

The public guided tours are only in german.

Exclusive guided tours

Exclusive guided tours for groups with a museum guide

Start times:
- tuesday to sunday and public holiday 11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm

-120 min.

- up to 20 persons fixed rate of 110 Euro
- from 21 persons 5.50 Euro per person
- each additional admission
- no restriction with number of participants

We will provide you with enough museum guides for your group.

For guided tours in English, French, Spanish or Turkish send your request to gruppen@fussballmuseum.de.

For inclusive guided tours for people with disabilities send your request to gruppen@fussballmuseum.de.

Guided tour U19

During the U19 guided tour the museum educator discusses the contents of the adventure world under the main theme "The development of an athlete". The guide is bookable at any time.

Start times:
- tuesday to sunday and public holiday 11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm.

- 90 minutes

- up to 20 people 70 euros
- from 21 persons 3.50 Euro per person

Guided tour U19

During the U19 guided tour the museum educator discusses the contents of the adventure world under the main theme "The development of an athlete". The guide is bookable at any time.

- 90 minnutes

- up to 20 people 70 euros
- from 21 persons 3.50 Euro per person

Guided tours for families

Guided tour for families with children aged 6-13 years

Our museum educators bring children the content of the world of experience in a playful and child-friendly way.

Start times: sundays and public holiday each 11:30 am
during the regional school holidays every day.

- 90 minutes

- 3 euros per person.

Children under 14 years of age are allowed to explore the museum only in the company of an adult.

The guided tours for children are only in german.

Free guided family tour on the topic of "diversity"

Free guided family tour on the topic of "diversity" with a museum guide

Start times:
tuesday to sunday and public holiday 3 pm

- 90 minutes with short workshop elements

- included in the museum entrance

Due to the Corona protection ordinance, the number of places is limited to 20 people

The German Football Museum offers family tours as part of the educational program on the topic of “diversity”. The educational program is funded by the city of Dortmund and the foundation EVZ.

This program is only offered in german

Exklusive Führungen zum Thema Frauenfußball für geschlossene Gruppen

Die Führung vermittelt den Teilnehmenden einen detaillierten Einblick in die Geschichte des (deutschen) Frauenfußballs. Die Geschichte des Fußballs auf nationaler Ebene steht hierbei im Fokus.

- dienstags bis sonntags und feiertags jeweils 10 Uhr, 11 Uhr, 12 Uhr, 13 Uhr, 14 Uhr, 15 Uhr, 16 Uhr.

- 70 Minuten

- bis zu 20 Personen pauschal 110 Euro zzgl. Museumseintritt

Offene Führungen zum Thema Frauenfußball für geschlossene Gruppen

Die Führung vermittelt den Teilnehmenden einen detaillierten Einblick in die Geschichte des (deutschen) Frauenfußballs. Die Geschichte des Fußballs auf nationaler Ebene steht hierbei im Fokus.

- Am 1., 8. und 15. Oktober jeweils um 11 Uhr.

- 70 Minuten

- 6 Euro zzgl. Museumseintritt

Derby Führung

Offene Führung für Jedermann zum Thema Derby
- 24. Oktober 2020, jeweils um 14 Uhr und um 16 Uhr

- 120 min.

- 5 Euro pro Person zzgl. Museumseintritt

Auf den Spuren der 5

kostenlose Spezial-Führung zum 5. Geburtstag des Deutschen Fußballmuseums
- 25. Oktober 2020, jeweils um 11 Uhr, 13 Uhr und um 15 Uhr

- 120 min.

- im Museumseintritt enthalten


Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt: Zum 50. Jubiläum feiern wir am langen Wochenende über Fronleichnam (16.-19.6.) in allen Führungen die EM-Helden von 1972. Das 3:0 gegen die Sowjetunion am 18.6.1972 brachte den ersten EM-Titel, die Mannschaft gilt bei vielen Experten bis heute als beste deutsche Elf aller Zeiten. Die Tour führt u.a. zum originalen Endspielball und zu den legendären Schuhen von Günter Netzer.

16. Juni 2022 um 11 Uhr
17. Juni 2022 um 14 Uhr
18 Juni 2022 um 11 und 14 Uhr
19. Juni 2022 um 11 und 14 Uhr

- 90 min.

- 6 Euro pro Person zzgl. Museumseintritt

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